Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

The "Nick Spencer shows no self-awareness" narrative is entirely driven by the fact that he's been a dick on Twitter…ever since he got a fuckton of death threats.

Take some of this guy's advice, kiddo:

No one should try to read something before criticizing it?

He never said we should be nice.

This is true.

Or you could, you know, draw your conclusions from the text, rather than his responses to trolls on Twitter who haven't read past the first issue.

Don't worry about it, man.

Don't enter that rabbit hole, man.

Actually, any disagreement with the three people whose opinions AApple has decided to mirror makes you a fake leftist.

Like the Nazi Superman story from Multiversity, it's supposed to be upsetting.


Lol. Did you read either article?

That's totally fair.

I do remember that.

Nazis are being normalized as political opponents in the national conversation now, because some moron punched Richard Spencer in the face rather than letting him damn himself with his own words.

Ghandi also said that Indians who refused to abandon western medicine should be ostracized, and was a pen pal of Hitler.

I am 100% in favor of Nazis being punched in the face.

Because Bull Connor was so conscientious about hurting innocent people!!

But not everyone knows that he's a Nazi. Your anecdotal evidence of people on the internet who you've told that he's a Nazi doesn't mean shit, compared to the mass of people who think he's a typical hard-right asshole who got punched.

Yes, it has been spun by those people…and "people with sense" aren't the demographic we need to reach.