... what?
... what?
I think Xbox came off better in the South Park episodes as well, but the real thing that gets me is that Microsoft is a sponsor. So them coming off better on South Park is getting what they paid for, right? It would stand to reason, then, that Colbert would cuddle with an Xbox - though given the size difference doing…
I long ago jumped ship on Square. My JRPG mistress has been Gust, and she's been good to me, despite being bought by Tecmo-Koei. In March their last title for the PS3 will come out, and from there the Atelier franchise will probably move to the PS4, so I have faith in them. I just wish the world of JRPGs wasn't so…
All my this.
I actually paused All Things Considered to watch this. I feel like that fact aged me sixty years.
Have you ever been on the GTS? Everyone there wants a freakin' Zygarde for their Minum. No wonder Wonder Trade is full of lame Pokemon, people are insanely selfish in the Pokeverse. Rational traders on the internets have always been a rare thing.
It's really Game Freak. Nintendo wanted to drop a lot of these features as titles like the Dream Radar from Gen V, from what I read, but Game Freak responded by saying "We only release complete games."
I'm a hardcore Gardevoir fangirl (lead with a Lv 85 one for first game clear) and I'm really thrilled she got a Mega form, but it could've been cooler, instead of upgrading from slim dress to ball gown.
I'm not convinced. The game included tons of reference to ALL previous Pokemon games - several mentions of Sinnoh (Battle Area, Sycamore mentions Sinnoh's professor researching evolution, et cetera). Colress is mentioned by name at one point. the Professor, protagonist's family (I think), and a few others are from…
... this might get me to actually buy and Xbox One.