The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Did you not watch TV in the late 90s and early 2000s? Justin used a blaccent regularly. 

For anyone who doesn’t want to read or watch, they did it using a magician’s cane and an LED strip.

I think the intent was “yes, we acknowledge that Bryan Singer is gay and how that influenced the film, but we also don’t want to celebrate him so much or prop him up as some kind of gay icon because of the abuses he’s committed”.

RTD the master of plot twists.

No, that’s just Sutekh’s incredibly lame “harbinger” cleverly named Harriet Arbinger.

That really captures the raw shittiness of mainstream superhero comics in the ‘90s, that sad, desperate Milhouse-like need to be “radical.” If that logo were a human it’d be a jacked-up dude with a mullet, Gargoyles shades, and a leather jacket, chugging a 16-oz. Pepsi Clear.

AI Art Evangelists 2023: “AI Art will revolutionize the world. By this time next year, using advances in AI art generation, humanity will finally know the answers to history’s greatest mysteries.”

Still the best logo.

Look at the “M” in both. Couldn’t they have at least used the same font?

Why would he blame himself for a successful show that was only canceled because his bosses at the time were cowards?  Also, maybe tell Sullivan to not propagate 'racial IQ' bullshit if he doesn't want to be branded as a racist.

He weaponized his whiny Anakin bit so well

There was a small contingent of people who complained very loudly about Ewoks, which got a lot of press because a lot of media writers got tired of writing “Popular Movie is Popular.”  Seems a lot like internet reporting about everything now.

I don't know, but I'm glad you made much ado about it.

2/3 of the sequels are good now, no nostalgia needed 👍

I’d drop the OK rating on Episode I to “Meh”.  But there is a good movie in there somewhere. But everything else is spot on.

It also has a really impressive selection of documentaries. The one about the brewery that made the Anti-Trump beer was amazing.

Well considering it’s free, ad supported, and comes pre installed on damn near EVERY smart tv it’s no surprise people are watching it.

I’m not necessarily against psi-ops campaigns, b/c they do have their place and uses in regards to national security and interests, but this is one that didn’t seem necessary, needed, or helpful. If anything it only served to fuel the anti-vax movement which has been detrimental to our collective public health the

Ah, the only sympathetic character in the entirety of the prequels.

Because the two Runabouts and the Odyssey were searching the area to find the missing Runabout and crew.