The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

"After what he pulled with Into Darkness, Abrams has no business making movies. "

Fixed that for you.

I have a friend who referred to the scene where Kirk freeclimbs El Capitan, "you can almost smell Shatner's midlife crisis."

Nintendo knows how to treat Megaman well. Capcom take note.

First of all, I'm saddened to hear this news - my condolences to the Warrior's wife & daughters in this hard time.
I've got quite the Ultimate Warrior story for all of you. When I was in 6th grade, I lived in Foster City, California - just a little South of San Francisco. Every month or two, when the WWF would make

From the trailers I got the impression that it is Kitty Pride and Professor X working together that let's them send wolverine and magneto's minds back in time. Kitty uses her power to transfer between dimensions and Prof. X uses his ability to transfer minds. This explains why Kitty doesn't send Professor X and

Now playing

Lost, season 3 "We have to go back, Kate. WE HAVE TO GO BACK!"

I would like to send Google an nice big Fuck You for showing me something that should exist but never will.

Sleeping mat on the outside of pack with no water proofing = Rookie mistake

Dear God, we need to develop longevity therapies. I don't want to live in a world without Sir Ian and Sir Patrick.

Still the best Steve Jobs if you ask me:

How about an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan, please? Maybe a bit sacrilegious, but you could set it during the time of Christian missionary efforts to covert Japanese citizens to the faith with Templar subterfuge in the background. Could offer an alternate explanation as to why Christianity, and by association the

"We give you...Skye. You're welcome." - Marvel.

It's my robot test. If you can watch this episode without at LEAST tearing up, you're a robot. I feel like Battlestar Galactica could have saved itself a lot of grief and rooted out the cylons in an hour by using this test.


If Hollywood ever makes, or even tries to make, a Calvin & Hobbes movie, I'll probably burn the studios to the ground.

Glancing at your watch or smartphone when you're on your own is no big deal. But in social settings looking at your wrist suggests you're bored/late/etc., and that's even worse than glancing at your phone, IMHO.

Part of the great mystery of science, not all the answers are known, and that's OK! But we'll keep trying to figure it out, and we'll probably be wrong or slightly off till someone else figures something else out!

I would say that Life usually ends that way.