The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Nintendo knows how to treat Megaman well. Capcom take note.

First of all, I'm saddened to hear this news - my condolences to the Warrior's wife & daughters in this hard time.
I've got quite the Ultimate Warrior story for all of you. When I was in 6th grade, I lived in Foster City, California - just a little South of San Francisco. Every month or two, when the WWF would make

I would like to send Google an nice big Fuck You for showing me something that should exist but never will.

How about an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan, please? Maybe a bit sacrilegious, but you could set it during the time of Christian missionary efforts to covert Japanese citizens to the faith with Templar subterfuge in the background. Could offer an alternate explanation as to why Christianity, and by association the

It's my robot test. If you can watch this episode without at LEAST tearing up, you're a robot. I feel like Battlestar Galactica could have saved itself a lot of grief and rooted out the cylons in an hour by using this test.


I have never pre-ordered a game in my life other than Ocarina of Time, I think this qualifies

He lived in Gotham. The Waynes update their wills as they leave the house every morning.

See The Chicago Bulls.

Now playing

"At Least The Super Bowl Had One Good Moment: Jack Bauer"

Fuck you.


My wife LOVES this movie. A tiny flaw to an otherwise flawless specimen.

I found an unretouched picture of the dog, please send $100 to me at Gawker.

Much of that is just demographics. Creepy dudes everywhere like to send skeezy messages to women in far away places. India is a huge country with a lot of internet-using English speakers- there are more English speakers in India than in Britain and Canada combined. Add in the fact that American women get very few

I think it is based in simple statistics: India is a mind-blowingly huge country, with a mind-blowingly huge amount of people living there. As such, even if the population still has a perfectly normal "douche-to-decent"-ratio, there will still be a very, very large population of creeps. Let said creeps onto the

All of Western culture** propagates the idea that's it okay to make sexual demands of and degrade women.

I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.