The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

And as we saw four years later, unlike Chuck Schumer, the Senate can be won by Dems.

not if we fight back, VOTE dem folks until the court’s crazies are all retired. 


1000% this. The bernie bros and uniformed who fell for the memes and stayed at home did damage and we can NOT make that mistake ever again.

I’m going to say it and keep saying it for the apathetic out there. If you’re registered to vote, head to the polls or fill out that ballot and hand it in immediately and vote Democrat. YES there are issues with Biden and some dems but they are still at the end of the day on the side of democracy, equality and women.

Precisely. Also goes with animation (hence the various ben 10 titles despite it being the same show)

for rentals i could see this a mile away, for purchases, i still hope we have options to buy

Also screws over the cast and crew since they treat it like separate seaons but are paid for one.

F you Netflix, enough of this splitting seasons up.

No 2 looks like it was altered in post to avoid the TV MA rating. 

Will you be reviewing the other Bravia models?

Bring on the criticism but we need to show up and fight back.

Look at the end of the day you have the VERY VERY real possibility that a facist, sexist, and racist leads the country and opens the floodgates for laws that will take away people’s rights, punish women and make it harder for anyone without a billion dollar bank roll or dark skin to have any real life.

YES I have

Now playing

Was it? If they didn’t make another movie, this would have been a great finale to Miles’ story.

Really wish this fight wasn’t spoiled by the paparazzi (i mean we ALL know who’s winning it but still)

weird way of spelling Into the Spider-Verse...

The answer is Avi Arad.

The EU doing what the US/Canada/UK/India don’t


Sarnoski def is a director to watch.