The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Bye Bye Majors and take your cup with you, you abusive lunatic. 

so many unnecesary deaths, plot wise. They really should have kept the version of the Flash where keaton bat and Supergirl lived and cut out any dialogue setting up their own movies. They both went out like chumps.

Now playing

Mark to Sheryl and possibly Priscilla when the end of the world happens:

Combined us and international numbers. Looking at just u.s. numbers several Batman movies and wonder woman were higher.

Missing 3 treks,

SNW’s Subspace Rhapsody and Those old Scientists and Picard’s Vox.

The last one was probably one of the best moments of nostalgia. 

I guess this is what A>E is huh? (Full disclosure Ray Fischer was totally F’d by Warner Brothers and Whedon and rightfully pissed off but his revenge tactics and use of toxic fandom to go after others long after Whedon and others at the company were axed was/is wrong,)

I think that my natural sort of knee-jerk tone is closer to the more R-rated. I just can’t help myself..”

how did this man get Superman in the first place?

would be a stretch given the leader and red hulk are in the movie. Winter soldier and Civil War barely had anything to do with Ultron or Thanos respectively.

Yeah probably the best way to look at it. As much as this sequel didn’t need to be made, they made a good story and conclusion to the character. (IMO they should have cut down or cut out the prologue and saved a WHOLE lot of money there)

Eh, I doubt Kang was in that movie. 

1000% agreed Blame Harvey Weinstein for that one. Disney should have had a more direct involvement with the localisation like the other films instead of peddling onto that creep.

Will say that Gaiman’s script adaptation does work to help guide the story for anyone not familiar with Japanese history and myth. 

The show isn’t out yet and I’m guessing they were supposed to at this point with the toy’s already ready for purchase.

no matter what happens in court this is clearly not someone that should be on a filmset, recast him disney.

As someone else said it looks like Harrison Ford wasn’t joking when he said “let’s shoot this piece of shit.” REALLY hope that this is a Rogue One situation with the reshoots and not Secret Invasion.

Where's our trailer?!

Same. Wish he had a co-writer on that script and that he cast Hayden as Anakin from the start or cast a younger actress to be Padme for ep 1

Same. The incels should have been ignored.


all of this plus the idea of Rey being a self made hero born through terrible advisary with NO connections to the legacy characters. I call BS that Leia and Luke knew her heritage and wouldn’t tell her esp the latter. 

sigh wish they just had Rian Johnson write and direct all 3 films. Jar Jar Abrams is not good at planning out complete stories and the studio/Lucasfilm story group should have reigned him in. Remember the, confirmed, original plot points where Anakin’s lightsaber was going to be a key? JJ has always been  a hack.