
totally agree. at some point last night, I thought "is this going to be longer than 1 hour? because, what the hell?". I personally have always enjoyed the conspiracy/mythology episodes and honestly, if they were going to bring that back, they should have unfolded almost all of last night's story over the 6 episodes.

My husband made that prediction last night the first time we saw Thomas, and I mentioned that it was certainly the word on the AV Club street…..

I was very annoyed by Mary's behavior, spilling Edith's secret. But I was also annoyed that it did not seem like Edith was going to tell Bertie about Marigold. Which is also bad behavior, and I don't know how she thought she was going to pull secret off for the rest of their lives. I get where she was coming from,

Not sure why Carson is being such a jerk; although I suspect he always was, we've just seen more of it. I appreciated him admitting he was wrong about Barrow at the end, though.

agreed; while it's not appropriate to force this role on the injured party, there is never any shame in being the better person. Edith benefits from her own actions even more than Mary.

I felt like he was nowhere near the "equal" to Mary others kept saying. He needed to be a little more dynamic and full of himself for that; someone who could command a room with his presence; just wasn't seeing that with him.

I didn't think much about the location of the scene. I just thought it was nice to see Edith thinking that she possibly can have a happy life with the immense privileges she already has, rather than mooning over what she doesn't have.

it was finally a good scene for him since coming back from America.

yeah, I'm not big on the TV/film device of using stalking and a refusal to respect boundaries as a stand in for romantic love.

that scene at Matthew's grave got me, too. Mary has for sure been acting terrible, but I was a bit on her side with EVERYONE telling her what she should do about Henry. It was a bit bullying. It's been 5 years or so (how old is George?) since Matthew died, and it's not uncommon for widowed people to have to work

I do suspect this will just add to Mr. Albarn's superiority complex.

And what was that about, the homeland security team speaking Arabic? Were they supposed to be the ones who called in the bomb threat? Because that call could have also come from white supremacists who wanted to kill the survivor.

Tom's return was a bit disappointing to me, only because I feel like they haven't done anything with his character. I appreciate wanting to come back home as a valid choice, but the show seems to have brought him back just to be a bit player. Where is the old Tom's passion for stirring things up? I know people mellow

I noticed that as well; and I thought it was appropriate, as Mary's comment's are so unnecessarily snide, and bound to be noticed as such by any newcomers.

"what else did he collect?" "horses and women", she says in her tizzy to find and tell off Cora.

Now, as then, I always appreciate that Mulder and Scully see a dark hallway with creepy things in it, and head right towards it. And with the final victim's fate at the end of the dark, deserted hallway, I am also reminded that, in general, that's probably not a good course of action for the rest of us.

I am guessing most towns of some size (or nearby towns) have a coroner's office, which is what Scully usually uses (I think?). I have no idea how well equipped they are, but maybe some are fully stocked medical labs (?)

agreed; thought it was too clunky, and still played more for laughs rather than just another character. I mean….plenty of women can throw a strong punch, so the comment that "she used to be…" was not needed to explain why she hit lizard dude so hard.

I enjoyed the scene where Scully is casually arresting the man who just tried to murder her, because of course she is….

Despite Thomas' very bad actions over the past seasons, I've also felt a bit sorry for him; I give him the benefit of the doubt that some of his bad behavior comes from a place of societal-induced self-loathing for his sexuality. I appreciated him being given the opportunity to do something nice for someone in this