

I eat while working at my desk and run during lunch. I’m lucky that there is a lockeroom/showers at work.

Unfortunately, it still looks like an early FnF movie barfed a shitty body kit all over it.

The driver is really sad. He was fondu that truck.

o shit

Too soon?

Brembo should be fine as they have a very high-caliper reputation.

The driver in the car..... “WHAT THE FUCK YOU FILMING IN PORTRAIT FOR”

This tells me that the majority of Cadillac’s customer base knows more about lingerie than steering feel,

aye... and he shoots fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse

If I was a dog I’d be wagon my tail

I have an old CRV, they can get a bit better too

Amazed by how there are 2 Mustangs and yet 0 crashed.

Jalop: “I hate lazy, boring automotive design. Make something interesting...”

They were probably all two pedal cars. That dump truck was doing the lord’s work.

Hear that? It’s the sad pleas of every man who owns a roofing company in Ohio, crying out for justice. CAN A HARD-WORKING MAN JUST TAKE DELIVERY OF HIS CORVETTE, FOR GOD’S SAKE?! The only solace they may find is that, yes, it is five o’clock somewhere.

“There can only be One.”