I forget which late show came up with the opposite:
I forget which late show came up with the opposite:
I enjoyed The Island. That was actually the best movie Michael Bay ever made (I realize that’s not saying much, but it was pretty good.)
Sometimes people just want someone, ANYONE, to be held responsible for their pain, whether the blame is legitimately placed or not.
I mean, it’s kind of hard to come up with fresh answers to the same question for the 500000000th time
He looks like a sentient ventriloquists dummy. He wants to eat my soul.
I keep meaning to tell you how much I love your user name.
I’m having trouble telling if someone photoshopped Michelle Bachmann’s eyes onto him in that photo or not. Terrifying, but also hypnotizing...
He had eyes like something undead from Game of Thrones.
He was sheared! There was enough wool for THIRTY sweaters. The knitter in me weeps for the poor sheepy and the sweaters that will never be.
Kickin’. Now the watch is on. How many people answer my question without reading the thread to see it’s been answered.
Cube of flowers?
So here’s a question. Could Taylor Swift actually be on Kanye’s 2020 presidential ticket? If Wikipedia has it right, she’d be under 35 and so ineligible for the Presidency. But would that keep her out of consideration because she couldn’t assume Kanye’s Presidential Duties? Or could she and if Kanye was struck by a…
I’ve been contemplating this and am now wondering whether some of them come with hypnotic powers as well as teeth. How do you research that with ot getting seriously troubling google results?
I’ll take away my entire second paragraph - that’s my opinion, and something I think I’ve seen in reading about him. But I still believe my first sentence - just because Keith Richards idolizes certain black musicians doesn’t mean he doesn’t have racist beliefs about black people.
The moral of the story? Don’t go on a cruise if your relationship is in trouble. Nothing like being stuck together on a floating prison, unable to get away from each other that will not help the situation. Also, don’t date assholes.
I happen to like Anne. I think she’s talented. But telling someone the first time you’ve hung out that they’re a “magnificent creature” might be a bit much? Maybe more for a second meeting. Or a wedding toast. Eulogy?
“Miley, what’s good” ooh, really punked that little kid with an identity crisis on live tv at a show for vapid sycophants all patting each other on the back. How do people still watch award shows, these people are rich for doing basically nothing, isn’t that reward enough? And can't these adults be above this childish…