This, this is actually hilarious. Thank you. #iwouldgladlyshakeyourhand
This, this is actually hilarious. Thank you. #iwouldgladlyshakeyourhand
I’m trying to think of an analogy for someone who signs up for AM “not knowing” that it caters to affairs-seekers, but the only thing I can think of is a married man walks into an establishment thinking it’s a strip club but finds out it’s actually a brothel.
I would probably suppose that, if a married man asks a woman who is not his wife via a physical note/piece of paper to meet for sexy times, and that woman does not respond or meet him, I would call the man unfaithful, but maybe not a cheater.
I think this is a fascinating piece of data work, and I commend you for it. I also think the conclusion you draw from it—that most men were on the site primarily to fantasize—is excellent and almost certainly true. And if there were only 9,000 responses from women on the site, even presuming every single one of those…
This is showing my age, but my response to this was “Ohhhhh so THAT’S what BAE is.”
I completely agree. But just because motive has no bearing on gun control, it doesn’t mean it should be ignored. I think both issues are valid. What’s depressing is that our collective attention spans are such that addressing the underlying issues that leads to these attacks (hashing out motives) draws attention away…
I wish that we had a real chance of an Australian-style gun ban here. There’s no other solution. Everything else is a half measure. We just wait for the next shooting and hope that it isn’t us or someone we know.
Gotta check with Jordan to see if it’s ethical first.
Why sexist? Because the characters are women? Because the screenwriter is a woman? I’m truly not sure that this is that this time. But blind submissions might help?
Well, I know it’s going to be easy to criticize this guy and everything he did but, in fairness, I think he did a great job directing Argo.
I didn’t like any of this. As someone who has been cheated on multiple times, this made me queasy. I didn't like his answers or candor about it. No I will not "find myself in this situation someday", if I am with someone and want to be with someone else, I'll end my current relationship first cuz I'm not a fuckhead.
Sort-of related:
(or ever, as I learned when I told my teacher to “go fuck herself” in 2nd grade because some friends told me it meant “I love you” in English)
Eh. No. I mean we all get through our miscarriages in different ways but seriously man that’s just a weird mix of - “I want sympathy and credit because I went to work while miscarrying my baby. Look at me, see how amazing I am.”
Dick Tips
while mommy checks on the cleaning lady to make sure she scrubs the toilet clean?
Don’t they crawl back up sometimes? Retreat in the face of danger to a dark cavity? (I only borrow a pair.)
Fair enough. I agree that Cyrus has the stronger voice, but there are plenty of decent live performances from Swift where she’s just singing with her guitar. Swift is smart enough to sing songs that fit her range well, but runs into problems when she tries covering other people’s songs (see Grammy performance with…
I think along with an age maximum there should be a height and weight max. Some of these kids are so dominating due to their size it can make it unfair to a comical degree.