TL Balog

Its Bottas’s fault entirely because there is absolutely no excuse for a Mercedes to be anywhere nearly slow enough for a Williams to pass it on pace. The fact that pass was even happening is a serious indictment on Bottas.

  • Did Russell take a risk on a damp track. YES

It’s great to see a driver that still has a little bit of fire and passion. Despite his interviews on Netflix, Bottas has seemed a bit too comfortable with 2nd seat at Mercedes, and I think he’s going to find himself possibly being leapfrogged by Russell once they bring him on to replace Hamilton. Bottas should be

Although low tech, they do have digital evidence in the case.

Hopefully, they’ll catch him red-handed.

Wow, they’re pretty quick to finger the neighbor for it, but I guess the evidence does point to him.

That is an oddly satisfying stack of tires in that lede photo.

I’m sure their office is 200 miles away with no access to a charger during work hours, and that they drive 1800 miles to the coast 2-3 times a month to unwind. 

Well he works in Columbus, and his wife works in Chicago, so they decided to live in Indianapolis, and neither have access to a charger at work, and...

This is fascinating - your household regularly takes two simultaneous and independent road trips of more than 250 miles a day??

100% honest story with zero bullshit. Thank you for writing this.

Neutral: Slideshows....

Right but he didn’t invent a new type of transportation. And he’s the one who oversold it. People are just (rightly) asking “hey, you promised X but what you are delivering is basically a really lame car habitrail. What gives?”

It has been done. It’s called a subway, or tube, or metro, or people mover, etc, etc, etc.....

No one said it couldn’t be done. People said it was over priced and less efficient then existing transit options.
Everyone knew it could be done, its just pointless and dumb

Not really.Others drivers could do just as well (or better) in that scenario.

If he wins a record 8th championship, I think there’s a good chance Lewis retires on top. Maybe he comes back in a few years to scratch that racing itch, like Schumi did.

so I just pick up the Pulitzer or it’ll be delivered or

That’s different, she’s just keeping the gas farm-fresh

If this is fake, that would be a first for the Internet! Good catch Torch, here’s your Pulitzer.