Todd went so far as to re-wire the car in thinner gauge
Todd went so far as to re-wire the car in thinner gauge
You missed nothing.
Clearly they were on to something, for this is the face of madness...
The tape on the headlights just kills me...
My Puerto Rican stepfather used to eat that. He’d sit in his underwear and eat a whole tin of Goya crackers in a week with Duke’s mayo.
450 spins, 834 slides and 12 spider's eyes.
Thank you!
Just try not to leak too much coolant!
I’m taking the New York Bar Exam on Monday... twenty years after graduating law school, and not having practiced law since then. I expect to fail just as miserably as your minivan has failed the TUV. But I will continue undaunted and try again and again until I pass because I am the David Tracy of law. You are my…
Only David Tracy can buy a nearly rust-free car and nearly get defeated by hidden rust.
Kwai Changli Kaine
For real
Knowing GM they’ll probably just do an Ice Age 6 trim/movie tie-in Trim package:
See you in 45 days
dielectric fluid from blown capacitors.
But there is no oil...its electric....what will it piss?
I’d pay extra for my Hummer to do this. SO much better than a dopey “Calvin peeing” decal..
I have a very ancieint Umimog that does this if you ask it nicely, useful in a very few applications and not really very impressive.
You ever get the feeling that the thing that actually sinks these EV startups is that they are trying way to hard to hit an unrealistic standard? Like, they all want to come out and be the best most luxurious EV with all the best technology that’s barely even finished being invented. Then they get ripped to shreds…
Can we not have one positive story without bringing divisiveness into it?