Project redwood: cooled by David Tracys tears.
Project redwood: cooled by David Tracys tears.
We should all pause and reflect upon how this article brightened our day.
Jousting with a logging truck sounds like a rotten way to go, especially being turned to pulp. The thought of being pushed through my trunk by a, uh, trunk really goes against the grain. I need to spruce up my mood and focus on something that leaves my cares behind, and fertilize that core. Admittedly, awareness of…
Hey LEGO, why not just include at least one female minifig head and “girl” hair piece in every LEGO set with a minifig? Super easy, and lets the kids decide if the character they play with is a man or a woman.
Wow. I just popped a wheelie by accident too. And it’s definitely a slapper.
but, but. Laser Printing. 3D Cutting.....
I found the balloons!
Look at the bright side. You got a bang up article out of it. Wish I could make money writing about the stupid things I have done and still do.
I dig this reply. I have stories like yours. When I was young my friends thought I was an idiot. Now that I am older younger folks think I was a hero. I know that I am neither.
The death of the Viper is also a sad event for Corvette. Losing your closest rival can be just as painful as losing your closest friend (and sometimes, they are one and the same).
My father used to gripe about power windows and door locks being “Just something else to break”. The tech on new vehicles is amazing but I’m starting to feel like he did. That is a bunch of stuff to have to fix in 10 years.
Life is too short for blind conformity to convention.
Yup. Back in my autocrossing days - at least until I switched to a category that required street tires - I was one of those people.
Kristen mad.
I can’t even say I’m sad. I loved Dan Gurney, and believed he to be the greatest of Americans to ever be involved in motorsports, but what this man did means that, while his body is dead, his spirit is going to live on forever.
Since it was a Bimmer he probably sustained himself entirely on sports sunglasses and bluetooth earpieces.
I’m glad you took the time to write this, and I’m glad I took the time to read it. It’s too easy to forget that there are people in every auto company that make great decisions, not just the few we hear about most. It’s hard to argue that the rotary and the Miata aren’t two of Mazda’s defining features.
. . . but if I want a feelgood holiday classic . . .