So he wasn’t dressed as Santa Claus?
So he wasn’t dressed as Santa Claus?
Was the attacker dressed as Santa Claus? That is the only way we could rule out the possibility of this being a terrorist attack.
Do we know his skin colour yet? Can we start making unfounded assumptions about the killer’s motivation before we have any facts whatsoever? Or is that only for white men?
I was wondering whether Jezebel was gonna go with a “cool man has empowered strippers at own funeral” or a “gross old misogynist oppresses oppressed women by making them strip at his funeral”.
They love trash reality tv. Non-coincidentally, a lot of people here aren’t very smart.
You are the troll.
One can criticize Obama without supporting Trump.
Yeah it took a lot of empathy for Obama to drone all those innocent people.
I’m sure you feel the same way about the stuff Trump says
That’s bad news for Democrats because all they’ve done since the election has been cry and scream about Vladimir Putin.
Sorry for trying to bring up Obamas actual record. We should just judge them by their pretty words!
The Obamas know how to talk a good game but their actions leave a lot to be desired.
I’m sorry but I want to vomit whenever I hear an Obama drone on about “hope” and “change”. You had eight years and your words were never backed by significant action.
You really went to Crazytown with this comment.
I don’t think this is new.
Absolutely. Though I guess I shouldn’t be surprised this site frames the story as “mean old Trump uproots poor sick families of ambassadors”.
I’m very proud you are finally able to understand the difference between a question and a statement.
Trump doesn`t have an ideology? I thought we took it as gospel around here that he was a Nazi or a fascist or a white supremacist or something?
I’m sure lots of Democrats would be pleased as punch if Trump was assasinated or if there was a coup.