And that’s how biodiesel was created.
And that’s how biodiesel was created.
The notion in which people call on a person to be fired because they read something they don’t like is beyond dumb. The correct course of action is public discourse and argument, not trying to silence the opposition.
In Clarkson’s defense, I doubt one column sums up his entire thoughts and reasoning on the matter, and…
Flame away, but transgenderism is the only mental illness with surgical body mutilation as the “cure.”
Torch, is this part of the new Gawker, and now Jalop, focus to jump in on social issues?
It sounds like you had a nice vacation at work’s expense. Well played.
...that, and moose porn is that much harder to find.
If there is anyone who can identify random streets in California with bugs on them, its Jalopnik.
So, invitation to Hoonigan sent?
I wouldn’t totally knock Russia’s ‘dumb bombs’.
above a certain speed it seems pretty stupid to keep it on the ground — am i the only one who wonders why they don’t just fly at this point?
Just fire up HARRP and let wave action take its course.
dosn’t doug demero live up there?
You are one giant pussy sir, it only takes a little common sense to drive a 400 Hp car. I did today, in the rain. I'm still alive.
Why is the Turkish training base so close to a massive ISIS stronghold?
Too bad for the Mustang driver it was a Ram and not a Dodge.
Yawn. Learn to realize when you’re being lied to.
How many of you guys are slowly realizing that ISIS is in fact a proxy army funded and armed by western intelligence? I realized long ago that we’ve lost control of our government...maybe some of you are finally realizing that, too.