
…tickets! Get your tickets here for the Fight of the Century!

You two win the comment thread.

The Aristocrats!

And WASPs.

Racism IS A TRAP

Yeah, it sounds kind of 30 Rock. It's probably the only part of the series that's kind of 30 Rock.

I'll mark them happily as long as you don't wear that creepy mask and stab me in my own home.

"Oh, I admit it! It’s only two-alarm, two-and-a-half, tops! I just wanted to be a big man in front of the kids…"

Whatever happened to that charming Lady Cenobite?

Nobody ever talks about the Cenobite who has cigarette fingers and just burns people with cigarettes.

That's an obscure reference if ever I've seen one.

Cabins Fever

Not enough flipper-handed Zod.

Safe, sane, and consensual.

I'd be completely lying if, with my experience in the Mars and Dinosaurs cards, I didn't expect something horrifying to happen every time one of these cards shows Batman and Robin in any kind of peril.

"Pine Tree", weirdly enough.

Kefka and Bill similarities?

I think it has something to do with an old man shooting milk from his leopard tits

I can't believe nobody's said

That is So Jimmy Wendigo.