
If your dick touching your balls is a problem, maybe you need to step up your hygiene regimen. 

If your dick touching your balls is a problem, maybe you need to step up your hygiene regimen. 

TIL Alizee originated the “Night Elf Dance”.

This article has three paragraphs, and if you got to the tip jar part you’ve already read two. Finish the job, friend!

Some of it. The thing he said that saved my life I’ve never shared with anyone, but I’ve talked about the rest of it and I know I’ve posted the picture of him and me together.

The same party that didn’t let a Democratic president nominate a Supreme Court justice in February because of an election in November (“Let the people decide!”) now wants to rush through sweeping legislation after the people have indeed decided.

Mom, you’re embarrassing me.

Sarah Baker writes about a topic of which I have no interest. And I will read every single one of her articles. She is consistently among the best, if not the best, writer on this website.

Instead of a flashlight, I strongly recommend a headlamp. You’ll look super geeky (but let’s face it, you are probably already a geek), but you’ll keep your hands free, and the light focused wherever you’re looking.

Instead of a flashlight, I strongly recommend a headlamp. You’ll look super geeky (but let’s face it, you are


The Great White House Reporter Purge

While you are correct that they are from different places and attended different law schools, they both attended Georgetown Prep for high school, one year apart.

Motorola is the single most underrated phone brand right now. I get the iPhone (if you are stuck in iOS world, you are stuck. Sorry), but don’t know why people flip for Samsung. They are overpriced and only marginally (if at all) better than Motorola that you can get for a fraction of the price with out stupid amount

The best ones smell like a mix of gasoline and rancid socks

The best ones smell like a mix of gasoline and rancid socks

Amazon has many different kinds

Amazon has many different kinds

I provide an all in one solution of both trick and treat, with Durian candies. The ones I hand out are so pungent the smell of them has caused an evacuation of a major IT corporation’s campus.

I provide an all in one solution of both trick and treat, with Durian candies. The ones I hand out are so pungent

I only watched the first two or three episodes of the reboot, so I’m not very invested. But that header picture is punching me in the gut in a way I didn’t expect. I grew up in a blue collar, on the suburbs like Lanford place, watching the original in the 80s. Dad a big guy like Goodman, Mom taking part time jobs like

As someone who has worked in hosting and internet security... Please don’t host your own email server unless you really know what you are doing. There are so many ways to abuse improperly setup email servers as sources of malicious internet traffic.

An accidental perk to this extension is occasionally some really beautiful color schemes come up in the landscapes. I’m decorating my living room around this one.

Absolutely agreed. The GOP can only do so much damage if they’re spending a good portion of their time babysitting Trump. But Pence knows how to play the game. He would be sooooo much worse.

I joined at 50. Their magazine is pretty good (and very frequently has bylines of GMG veterans)