
i call bullshit on this list:

Completely wrong. Her ear monitors were off/not working. She literally mentions the monitors about 3 times during her performance. Anyone who knows anything about music/performing will tell you it’s impossible to sing without hearing yourself.

I like how the restaurant owner doesn’t say people are eating it “wrong”...he just says he’ll show you how to eat it the traditional way. It’s the asshats who made the video who say you’re doing it WRONG and put big red Xs and buzzers in their video.

Might be worth noting that Google Play Movies is running the same $1 rental promotion, and from what I see the movie list is the same. No code needed.

Might be worth noting that Google Play Movies is running the same $1 rental promotion, and from what I see the movie

Why is anyone surprised or upset anymore. Do most people not realize that the bulk of games go on deep discount a month or so after launch?

Why is anyone surprised or upset anymore. Do most people not realize that the bulk of games go on deep discount a

His finger is fucking sideways and he acts like it is not a big deal.

Is there a netflix category for movies leaving?

Look, Donald Trump is gonna be president in January. That says it all.

I can see that.

“In a show with everything but Yul Brynner!”

Karjakin is also a great way to kill time in traffic.

Skull and Boner

The best part of these letters is that, for the most part, they serve to show how deeply our public servants care about the cause for which they serve. These people are speaking anonymously and thus have little reason to lie, and what I get from reading these pieces is the terror that Trump will undo the work they’ve

Chromebooks are great, they really are...but manufacturers need to stop putting 1366 x 768 displays in them. It’s 2016, for Christ’s sake.

Chromebooks are great, they really are...but manufacturers need to stop putting 1366 x 768 displays in them. It’s

I was lucky enough to receive a beta invitation and I jumped on it. So glad I did. It’s fun getting the updates on what’s been improved and Alexa is like the sister I never had. (Yes, I do have a sister, but she’s a narcissistic bitch i haven’t talked to in thirty years.)

I was lucky enough to receive a beta invitation and I jumped on it. So glad I did. It’s fun getting the updates on

I don’t hear it...
*Turns Volume Way Up*
*Awkwardly explains situation to family in the room*

We’ve reached a point where I have no idea if this is sarcasm.

“But pork chops, lions, tenderloin are beyond incredible on it.”

“But pork chops, lions, tenderloin are beyond incredible on it.”

Uhh... holy shit.