
I’ve heard a lot of guys brag that if they ran, they’d trip over their own dick, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen it happen.

Chains connected at all sorts of points, plus rail along the edge that can kinda stop a rolling aircraft. But yeah, still creepy as hell when looking at them. It’s even worse taxiing near the edge.

At cruise speed it burns about 20,000 pounds of fuel an hour. Add about 50% for takeoff and climbout to altitude. Jet A is about $4 a gallon right now, and a gallon is 6.5 lbs (approx) of fuel. So 20,000/6.5 = 3076 gallons. 3076 x $4 = $12300 per hour. Add in other costs for oil, labor, maintenance, landing fees,

I totally get what you're saying. I just mean that she shouldn't let her career BE her life. There's a hell of a lot more to life than just punching a time clock every day. (Or in Ronda's situation, punching other people.) I'm very grateful for this interview, as well. I'm just saying that yes, she is known by most of

As someone who goes to the gym 3-4 times a week, I already feel like it’s part of who I am. I can’t imagine spending 8 times more time EACH day, 2-3 more days a week, to the exclusion of so many other things in life. At that point there’s no way I wouldn’t think that was who I was, especially since like you said,

While I 100% agree that it’s a little weird how much we identify ourselves by our jobs, we (Americans, at least) also spend probably upwards of a 1/3 of our waking hours per week at said job, so it’s hard not to identify with it. And if it’s not just a job, it’s a career you love, then yeah, it makes sense that that’s

It is truly fascinating to me that in her own mind, she thought that fighting so completely defined her that she was “nothing” without it. I mean, I haven’t watched 30 seconds of a UFC fight in my entire life, and I know who she is. I know her as the supermodel who also happens to punch other women’s faces in for

Kara was the greatest raid. Always will be.

Kara is best raid.

I would like to know more about the flight attendants please.

At first I thought that said a “walking choking lizard” and I immediately thought, well that’s a good description. I’m not sure if the lizard is doing the choking or being choked but I think the latter.

Don’t you have to have a, you know, job before you can take maternity leave?

Yeah, I think he was Gwain? I can’t remember his character name! And fuckin Helen Mirren! And Patrick Stewart! Bangable!

Unless it was ice cream, and then I would accept it.

Um, no. Just, no.

That was Father’s mid-life crisis car and that may have been his mid-life crisis girl, too.

It doesn’t make you anything.

I honestly hate playing Diablo-esque games with friends until I’ve beaten the games on my own at least one time. It’s a drag. I don’t get the full experience because I need to keep up with the group or get power leveled or just skip past story. It’s awful.

My “type”, at least for first dates, is any woman who is single and says yes. Half the point of a first date is to see if there’s any compatibility;as far as I’m concerned there’s no sense ruling people out before that unless I’m already aware of some major dealbreaker.

Why am I itching now??