This is begging for a poll, but...
This is begging for a poll, but...
@dnadns: Lol :)
@Ashurahori: So, Saboteur?
@Runed: Yeeeah, the ocean sucked, I can't disagree there. But the rest of it— and in particular the non-boat combat— was fun and engaging enough to make up for it. I never did play Majora's Mask, though.
There are probably a lot of games with critical acclaim that I dislike. A lot of FPSes fall into this category (but not all). First-Person Metroids, too. Braid never hooked me to play beyond the trial. I rarely play Zelda games beyond the first couple of dungeons (Wind Waker being the exception, which I played through…
@knoxyknight: Shadow Complex, what are you waiting for? Fantastic game. I need to finish that. Hell, what am I waiting for?
@AerintheGREAT: I'm also not a fan of touchscreen typing— great for Googling something, not so great for actual writing. Since I got it as a gift, though, springing $80 for a nice Apple Bluetooth keyboard was a no-brainer. It's a good combination (and a nice, light, durable keyboard).
@AerintheGREAT: I couldn't fathom it at first either, but then I got one as a gift back in July. For one, it makes a great sit-on-the-couch browser/email reader or something to watch streaming Netflix on in bed. But where it really shines is on the road.
I don't watch a lot of YouTube vids, but the across-the-map tomahawk kill was pretty fantastic.
@Kevek90: I only have a couple of games for the PS3 so far, but I was enthralled by Heavy Rain. I just started Uncharted 2 last night and I'm warming up to it...
@Silent: Just ones where you've used the same email/password combination.
@wocyob: I'm having the same issue. Ugh.
@ledzep177: I seem to recall reading something to the effect that keeping the crew alive will matter, and in general that they were able to tie things together a lot more between 2 and 3 (I would imagine having the first one be so successful probably contributes to that, as does being now-owned by EA).
@Milan Mickey Jegenjan: Make Paragon's badass not boy scouts the Renegades got all the fun.
@AJ_Bee: Different factions/servers, I'd guess.
This was the last Activision game I bought. It was... fun for a while? And the idea of absorbing people to steal their identities is a cool one. But I got distracted/bored before I got to the ending.
I haven't played K.C. Munchkin since I was maybe five years old, but I remember the whole family— except my mom— was pretty into it. I don't think we ever had Krazy Chase, though.
@KaneRobot: Yep, Rock Band with all its iterations, instruments, and DLC has probably been my biggest money sink. Hell, it was the reason I bought a 360 to begin with.
Based on the demos— glitches aside, which I didn't encounter— I would have picked up Elite. The game play really was fun, and I hope they ship something with that engine one of these days, even if it's just a $15 DLC street ball game.
@06RallyBlue: Next you're going to tell me that Norse Gods don't exist...