
Holy christ, maybe next time let someone who actually enjoyed the trailer do a breakdown of it

Yeah, I feel like I already knew they were on a timer. Hell if you hit one and then go back to it after moving away you only get one or two coins because the timer stopped.

For everyone who liked this trailer and wants something along these lines to watch until this summer, check out Netflix’s delightful Never Have I Ever, which has a lot in common with this trailer. (The faiths are different, but the brown girl with a traditional family making her way in modern, largely white American

Jackass is more of a state of mind. Jackass the Video Game is any multiplayer game when you and your friends have decided to just fuck off on the objective and try to fuck with eachother.

How have they NOT managed to get rid of DeJoy yet? Good lorrrd.

“One thing I did like was its discussion of food triggers. I realized that I’m a grazer who tends to eat whatever’s around when I’m bored instead of when I’m hungry so I’ve stopped keeping easy snacks around so that if I want to eat something I have to actively decide to make something.”

The thing about “eating until you aren’t hungry anymore” is that it changes based on how much you are used to eating, or at least it does for me. I made some lifestyle changes at the end of summer in order to get my health in order. The biggest component were changes to both the content and quantity of my diet. I did

1) stop eating processed foods ( chips/snack foods/etc) dont buy them, out of sight out of mind

A normal person: “wow how unsportsmanlike!”

I’m just saying, bustin’ makes me feel gooood. It’s right there in the song.

So its, “So long, Gary Bowser?”

Its weird but I actually think its the opposite. People know how to eat healthy, people don’t know how to lose weight. Too many people say things like “I am eating healthy, but why cant I lose weight?” The answer is simple, they’re eating too much.

I’ve never understood why Peter’s aunt, the sibling of his father, was always portrayed as geriatric in the comics. The timing doesn’t work. Peter would have parents ~30 years older than himself. Therefore, even with an extreme age gap between Richard and May Parker, that still puts May at ~60 on the high end for

“That means FX had little to no data on which to evaluate the series, including how it performed in its entirety over a certain timeframe”

(the tower and expansions came in their own boxes, that’s just the main game in that box)

My guess is its less likely the actual tooth loss is the cause and more likely the type of person who’d allow their teeth to fall out who are more likely to get dementia. Basically I don’t think tooth loss is the cause, just a warning flag.

I personally hope Disney holds the tide against full season drops. I know this war is probably already lost, but putting up the full season at once is the absolute Worst way to experience a show.
“Hi guys! Did you want to see what happens in this exciting, surprising TV show without it being spoiled in the

Do you think it’s possible to pinpoint exactly when Disney ran out of creativity.

We should swap the legal status on these two things.