
Are you sure that you aren't related to Ray Wert?

Ehh without the ferrari branding you could probably get it for 12k.

One of it's biggest flaws is it's lack of back seats in North America. I know people make fun of how useless rear seats are in coupes but they are useful. I can't count the time I've had to jam 4 fully grown adults into my Mini.

There's the 328i and the Mercedes c250

Your argument < V10 Saab Hoonmobile

My 2006 has 110, it's not bad at all. Though the gearing is way too short.

I'm just curious if the new transmission is any better. I've heard that the manual on the current wrx isn't that great.

But I don't like internet explorer!

Nope, it still is, this is just an anomaly.


But...speed racer is japanese.

...I actually really like the jeep panda.

no, the mustangs spokes are way too thick and also has zero ergonomics.

I love the new steering wheel!

Oh sweet! You got any idea what date?

What are you talking about? Jalopnik loves the Aztec!

Oh no! That was in the original series! This is the "rebuild" movies! They're like a remake but the story changes part way through.