
If I were around when that happened I would personally make sure of it that a nice metal bat had several well-sized dents on it.

I'm afraid that there will only ever be one true car humper.

I think It would of been perfect if they would of gotten rid of the wiper (or hidden it) and given it a trunk more like a jaguar xj. But that right there is one damn sexy car!

I still want to see an epic Agera R vs Bugatti the death!!

Well he was going to bust the gate doing 98 watch them truckers roll!


I drive a british racing green mini cooper. becuase most british car ever built by germans.

Am doing as we speak

Hells yeah!

I opened my hood on a 2011 honda civic does that count?

I'm sorry officer my 458's accelerator just got stuck!

I can say from experience that not all ferrari dealerships are like that. Last year we went to one in dallas, they knew that we didn't have the money to buy a ferrari but that didn't keep the sales person from showing us all around the back maintenance area where they had a testa rossa (90's one), a Daytonta!, a 308,

I'm sorry $kaycog *internet hug*

I thought I was looking at a Mazda 3 with a mec badge on it.

I know that's coming to america soon but it needs to hurry up!

Alfa wagon....Alfa wagon, My good friend I believe you might of found the most jalop car to ever be made.

As the owner of a new mini, I would love to have this one to park right next to it.

I don't care what you say but I have always loved that enzo!

I'm pretty sure, I don't think that it has a sliding door but it looks just like one.

WOW!! The DOW's up 79.12!