Tate Schneider

Here's my quick story: I failed the first time for running over two curbs, and I failed the second time for (debatably) cutting someone off. Third time was a charm and now I work for Jalopnik!

I think the comprehensive list of things Tigers will eat is:

My friend Doug was unemployed for months. Last month, he made $1,000 in just a few hours! And all he had to do was not drive his Ferrari! You too can learn Doug's secret by clicking, here.________________________________________________________

The introduction to the video made me feel really...REALLY...depressed.

Sooooo, it's a Camaro now?

This would be a very, very close second (if not first), in my personal opinion...

So VW made a Cylon?

As for all-wheel drive, I can't say I'm too keen on that, as the F-Type's tail-happy antics are part of what make it so amazing. But it will no doubt help to move cars, and it could provide a platform for even more power in the future.

May 1 marks the anniversary of the death of Formula One legend Ayrton Senna, one of the greatest racing drivers the

clearly this porsche:

This is gorgeous. Picture this:

Learning is hard but at least he is an enthusiast. Your shitty attitude is what keeps kids in toyotas.

Seriously, is Elon Musk just straight up hanging out with Jarvis now? And we're supposed to believe he's NOT Iron Man? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.

He has a very punchable face.

What sort of idiot would spend his afternoon looking at a tiny picture from a TV series to identify the cars in it? We would.