
“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”

1st sentence: Good

In regards to #1: I understand they are related and that FA is kind of a sub of Jalopnik. People DO comprehend that. However, they are actually deciding to x-post this on Jalopnik. But more to the point of another comment; there are better areas for this type of article: Fusion, The Root, etc.

Just go to his new site, it’s much better:

The meeting was open all day long.

Shit. I didn’t agree to this and I am American. I knew I should have gone the meeting, but it was half off night at the bowling alley.

international users??????

DVR is also about jumping into a show you started late, or pausing live TV if dinner is burning on the stove.

Ivanka is the lust of his life. He is the love of his life.

I know. I’m not a very large woman. My boyfriend kinda likes me that way, though.

temperature gauge usually reads 5°- 10° above ambient temperature.

Why is this Torino in such ragged condition?

unless benefits have changed enormously, no way does your $38k + BAH, BAS, VHA and health care equate to a $100k civilian job. _maybe_ $50k

I was a 10 year E5 when I got out in ‘96, making (at the time) $1531/mo + $425 BAH (no VHA in Panama City Fl at the time) + ~$215 BAS so about $26k total annual. at the time they

Anyone who disagrees with this never rode a motorcycle....(and what does it take for me to get out of the grey....)


There was a crowdfunding campaign. It raised $150,000 dollars from volunteers. Now you know.

yeah, what does story about a wikipedia edit war have to do with technology, anyway

There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.

Yeah, see, I just drop my HDD in a glass of water and put it in the microwave if I’m feeling paranoid.

I mean, weren’t a bunch of Russia’s Nukes developed in Ukraine? Seems like they would be able to create more if they were so inspired.