
so is rose mcgowan

just like being singled out in someone’s recently contrived misery....
rose has lost it but keep squeezing the last drops of outrage wont you

this should be interesting to see the mental gymnastics taken to justify Saint Rose’s actions.. one headcase just killed another!

i get shes a likable powerful angry figure to get behind but the anger and the resentment seems to be growing within her in a not very healthy way...
I like her strength but Im not sure being the lead in this is positive for her

Please don’t ever visit then, and if you live in Australia, please leave. You are the problem

As a white 40 year old male, im with her

im in the grey but your own maths sucks dude
its 22

sure but provide that benefit of doubt both ways like you claim.
there has always been doubt, on any claim, dont be hysterical

this person is claiming that she was touched on stage, just once, in a situation where both characters are required to touch, in front of thousands of people

this person has made this claim

as an STC member i can assure you that this isnt a Weinstein moment. the accuser has a long track record of mental health issues and false claims.

im an STC member and its well known that the person making the claim is suffering from long term mental health issues and has a long history of fake claims


its a safe one... they let me free long ago

Outstanding response,

I’m in Melbourne Australia and I’m googling the shit out of the broadcast

the marines are the guys next to the CIA, the DIA, the FBI, NYPD Army intel, State, NSA, NRO and every other watching

shoot them all

over hyped much. Theyre a good, untrained, fighting force.

pointless ass comment

weve all got kids.. get over yourself

Blackbanned on FTA? Priceless