
You want to fix illegal immigration? You could do it pretty much completely in about a year. Here’s what you do: if you catch an illegal immigrant working somewhere, you jail the owner or hiring person for 10 years minimum. You also fine the company $10 million. That’s PER undocumented worker.

This Sandusky story just won’t die.

... if Robert Mueller is so pompous and so arrogant and so power hungry and so corrupt.

Great job, CNN, just allowing her bald-faced lie to go unchallenged in your goddamn census tweet.

The most NFL thing I’ve ever seen on Wikipedia (from Heinicke’s page):

Further fixed.


Could be worse. *checks notes* No, no it couldn’t.

It’s good, I liked it. Not great to dance to though. not much of a beat.

They ended up not towing it with the Grand Wagoneer after all, fearing it could put undue stress on the big Jeep. We think they made the right call.

I was actually surprised by how big the gulf was between “recognize them immediately” and “who the fuck is that?”. Only 2-3 guys it took a second, but I could identify (like Zimmer, really...specific look, but took a second). 5-7 of them I couldn’t guess even with a list of coaches in front of me.

So, Matt Patricia is just Fat Mac in a Tommy Bahama shirt, correct?

I’m now convinced that part of signing on to be an NFL head coach means you instantly gain 30 pounds.

Matt Nagy looks like he dressed too casually for a fancy steak restaurant and the maitre d’ had to get him a jacket AND pants.

WTF is happening w Andy Reid’s legs?

I didn’t know Gruden was that short.

I had no idea Patricia was that fat.

I have absolutely no need or space for one. I don’t go off-roading and I don’t even have a yard or driveway.

Things I find difficulty with family and finances:

Keeping it a bit broad but putting off starting a family while working to pay down a mortage, student loans, and wedding. Financially it makes sense but comes with an emotional burden.