
Whyyyyyyyy why why is a beauty column using lo-res gifs, compressed color, no before-and-after pics, no product pictures and no clear indication of what the product looks like on your face? I know you guys are going for something different, but you’re completely abandoning the point to do so. Not to mention, the

7 days? Lol, I never have to buy a suit again!

Now now, mustn’t upset the precious poor whites and their ‘economic uncertainty’ that FORCED them to vote for a xenophobic racist fascist monster.

Would that be the Idiot population who didn’t listen to real plans from Clinton to bring back jobs to those areas? Did they just not listen because they only want coal jobs?

Also, Obamacare was “rammed through” in more than a year (about 13 months) with, if I recall correctly, more than 50 hearings, 25 days of debate and acceptance of Republican amendments.

It’s not especially strong or brave to flee from rape charges and hole up until the case is dropped. A more conventionally brave approach might be to stand trial in an attempt to prove your innocence. Running and hiding seems like something other than brave.

No respect for black lives. They will keep doing because they know white people in a jury will never convict them. The same PD in the same city took this knife wielding white man alive, after three hours but she was shot on sight. Amerikkka indeed.

Idris is the zaddiest.

2020 is still three years away though, that’s a lot of time to get experience, especially with such a horrible administration that shows you everything not to do. Still, wouldn’t hurt for her to get one more term in. I guess we’ll see what kind of candidates we have for the primary.

I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.

after a witness identified him as one of three men who had stolen her cell phone in a Walmart parking lot.

“When I saw that picture, it just made sense to me,” Jones said. “They say you can’t see the picture clearly if you [are] in it, but if I was outside this picture I would have seen the same thing.”

Okay but can we also talk about him getting a mandatory sentence of 19 years for stealing a cell phone? Like in what world is that a proportional punishment?

This is the part part that baffles me the most

No, this is rap beef and this is about talent and respecting the game and calling Nicki out on her wack ass, bullshit, wannabe self. This is putting Nicki in her place and letting her know that because she never once paid respect to the women that came before her that she’ll never have a place with them. I don’t know

Shaun of the Dead, but mostly just here to say that sleek bob does wonders for her.

You know, there’s no downside to this story! Either he has to stay here, which is annoying for us, but will also irritate him, and make him feel stressed and accelerate his upcoming stroke. Or, he’ll go to Great Britain, and encounter thousands upon thousands of people flipping him the bird and holding up rude and

Hey - why don’t you stop using the full spelled-out version of the n-word in your posts? That’s the generally accepted custom, on Jezebel and other news outlets. As you probably know from the article above or if you have a working baseline understanding of American race relations, it’s an incendiary racial slur, and

Not an African American person (not American, not Black), so take what I’m about to say with an extreme grain of salt, but: