
Making vague empty threats on Twitter? He’s definitely a pro at that

Trump has been a joke for over 20 years.I’m 32 now and I seriously can remember being 15 years old and laughing to myself and thinking what a delusional garbage human being. The fact that so many Americans think that yes, this is who should hold the most powerful position in the free world. This joke of a human being

I had on 05 forester XT, took it out on some isolated dirt roads in the woods of Vermont and it was pure heaven. Came up to a wide ass switch back. Flicked the wheel the opposite way , cut the wheel back into the corner and smashed the gas pedal got the car sideways and pulled out of the corner near full throttle.

COBB tuning

Does Toyota still own 40%? Ever since they’ve gotten involved all their cars have become biege-ified. I had an 05 manual Forester XT and it genuinely hurts to see what the car has become. A bloated CUV instead of a AWD wagon that could do 0 - 60 in under 6 seconds. It was fun.

Its exactly what he’s saying

Thats why they’re buying the cars back dumb ass.

Thats why they’re buying the cars back dumb ass.

I agree , hope that guy had luck with making brackets for the seats he took out and put into his old shit box. Have fun you trashy douche bag hahaha.

Don’t try to tell that to the whiney dicks, they think they should be able to get made whole plus a few extra grand and also to part out their entire care , aka greedy white trash

Because they’re white trash

Your an idiot , this was obviously wasn’t the intent and is outside the intent of the agreement. These people are acting in bad faith and are going to have a rude awakening. Have fun putting all the parts back into your cars you scum bags hahahahaha.

I’ve heard it was another 30 40 hp higher. I had one and it certainly felt it. They said Subaru did it so it wouldn’t pull sales from the WRX. I think car and driver did a 0 - 60 in 5.3 seconds lol. I surprised so many cars with that thing I loved it.

True I love light RWD cars one of my favorite was a 89 325i even though I got it after it had seen its better years. I was just being an asshole just because a lot of so called car people jump on the RWD band wagon and act like it’s the only way to enjoy a car or any other drive configuration is illegitimate. It’s


The golf cars are the most bland boring looking cars on the road , they’re mildly more impressive to look at than a Chevy Aveo. So you can enjoy your mid tier leather and refinement in your blah mobile thats more boring to look at than a Toyota Camry.

Your a bit of a ninny if torque steer is that distressing to you.

I find this is the common stance among so called enthusiasts . They think they put off some air of coolness, hey man I’m into rear wheel drive cars because they’re slightly more difficult to drive and you can drift and do burnouts. I’ve driven everything and the best hands down is rear wheel biased AWD. Still steps

Power is the application of force over a distance over a period of time. So actually power would be more accurate

Power is the application of force over a distance over a period of time. So actually power would be more accurate