I still have some tokens for the TILT arcade that used to be in the local mall. Maybe I can use them at the (checks notes) ... American Eagle that’s there now.
I still have some tokens for the TILT arcade that used to be in the local mall. Maybe I can use them at the (checks notes) ... American Eagle that’s there now.
“okay, so if it’s the exact same thing, what’s the problem? It’s a proof of stake network, power consumption concerns are non-existent.”
“But there’s already a way to do this”
Polygon is proof of stake tied into etherium, so it still actually has pretty bad energy use. Also proof of stake still creates a lot of e-waste.
Is magus not here yet? I expected him to be near the top with his bullshit.
No, not exactly that. The argument often pushed by crypto bros is that you can move digital assets between games freely. It’s a fanciful scenario where you could theoretically take a sword for example in one MMO and use it in a completely different game. And of course that would never work in the real world.
It isn’t worse, it just has nothing to do with the game being based on NFT/Blockchain or not.
Its worse because the dlc cost $100,000 was touted as an investment and doesn’t exist anymore.
“I bought a link! It points to my family photographs!”
“Congratulations! I have just changed the link to send you to my extensive gallery of penis injuries.”
“No refunds. Blockchain!” :jazz hands:
Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!
I feel like it’s rather telling that this implementation of awful nft bullshit ultimately also wraps itself in loot boxes. A scam embedded within a scam.
Its almost, as if, stock prices and the stock market actually don’t reflect anything in the real world. Kinda funny how so much of economic policy is determined based on the world most expensive casino. Almost as funny when you realize those of us who do have some sort of retirement fund are having it sunk into…
I mean, I’m being generous.
then watch In Search of A Flat Earth.
To be fair, I honestly do feel the same way. I don’t really have any personal opinion towards her, in case it came across before like I do. If someone figured out how to be rich and successful, and they're doing it in a way that doesn't cause great harm to others, then who am I to judge? Good for them for getting that…
Weird how crypto currency networks, championed for their security and decentralization, keep getting burgled.
Cool, I also hope every one of those fuckers get their lives ruined for what they did, and as an addendum, I hope bobby kotick gets trampled to death by a herd of bulls.
For reference, Bobby Kotick earned an average of $77,306 an hour (an hour) per a January 14th article I’ll link below because Kinja is too dumb for hyperlinks. This allows us to do some fun math to see how little these fucks actually bothered settling for.
Random thought - but I just realized that since Nathan Grayson moved on to the great journalism farm in the sky, that I don’t think that’s been a single Amouranth writeup on Kotaku. At least I can’t remember seeing any in quite a while, at least. I forget where he went off to write for next, but I can only imagine…