
Since you're comment is too short i'll reply here. It could easily have been like Catwomans DLC and happen across the game so no not duh.

From the look of Harley's outfit her DLC will take place after the end of the game.

The shooting is pretty awful in all the games other than that they are damn fine games.

Woah woah woah Gabe drops an F-bomb.

Wait so it has nothing to doing with you being the king and haggling waffles?

I've been Titch (or some variation) in pretty much everything no idea why. I'm not even small.

9/11. People on those planes probably used the most electronics simultaneous ever on an Aircraft and it didn't do anything.

NORAD worst acronym ever.

I can get the whole marketing campaign not living up completely to the final product that happens every day it's the whole "It won't be an A B C ending" quote from Casey Hudson and then getting exactly that.

Man my homeless wine club is going to be all over this.

I wouldn't exactly call this surprising just look at any luxury item for example look at Rolex or iPhones or that new TV etc. They all cost ridiculous amounts of money over the actual cost to produce even when you take shipping labour etc into account.

I would have thought the simple answer is that i wouldn't care how far it is just how long it would take me to get there.

Fantastically written article, Sorry to hear about him not winning especially the fact he got 13 more outs over the other guys.

A lot of people consider FemShep to be the better voice actor but i think Mark Meer did a much better job than Jennifer Hale in Mass Effect 3.

I would like to see a video of a child doing this because i think it's more than likely the child would eat the paper.

Yeah i know but the face is such an important part of it and the manual work around doesn't work 100% for example i used it as a base to recreate my shepard.