

Stupid commenting system. Here it is, HOPEFULLY.

I really wish that quote came from a better movie. Barf.

LOLLIPOP PRINCE! Greatest video game trolling of all time.

And not a single fuck was given by anyone who owns a smartphone that's going to attend.

For the first time, in a loooong time, I finally agree with a Diaz rant.

She's a pretentious bitch. Screw her.

Ok, the Palin one is fucking hilarious. Never has something been so true.

Agreed. I love my Hero 2. As long as its in the case, I don't worry at all. If the lens gets scratched, just replace it. The WIFI PAC coming this summer is going to keep the competition way behind them. The replay has WIFI steaming I noticed. Needs a huge transmitter and can't live view on iPhone or iPad, screw that.

Watching some Price is Right. I see many more of these sites in the future. Comcast, you're fired.

Not sure if trolling or just a retard like Ebert is. He's right up there with Armond White.

M26 DART heaven right there. Can't wait!


One of my all time favorite movies. I could be having the worst of days and this movie could pull me out of it. I want this case mod so bad.

It's all good, man. Allll good.

Read my comment again. I'll wait.

I guess it's hard for people to tell. I mean, you know how many Hondas and Toyotas there are on the roads these days. Just another day.

I can't stop laughing my ass off! SUV drivers are the absolute worst. "I didn't see it." of course you didn't. You're probably 5' 2" and are now asking Jeeves to find out what the mirrored thingy is that is stuck on your windshield, and what to do with it.

Situational awareness, people. Its something I truly believe you are born with and can't learn it. Like a bunch of Dodo birds, the mob is lucky they didn't share the same fate.

As soon as I heard 'consumes manna' I couldnt keep a straight face any longer. Make Love Not Warcraft popped into my head and I lost it.