
Look on the bright side, world. When they finally get around to duct taping a nuke to the nose of their next Estes rocket, it will be like shooting themselves in the foot. They will be dropping it on their own fucking heads. I look forward to the day it happens. Not if, but when.

"Finish the Fight" will always hold a special place in my heart. If one song could sum up Halo, it's that one. The moment I heard it back in 06, it was etched into my brain forever.

THIS! It's fantastic.

$15k of disposable shit eatin grin fun? Hell yes. If I lived up north and had to deal with being depressed 6 months out of the year because of snow, I'd buy this in a heartbeat. NP!

$800k for a Lexus. The 2012 Mayan calendar may just be true after all.

Being a DV Editor/Mograpgh Designer, I'd fire whoever put this together. Either the video is seriously compressed or every shot of the Veyron in motion is washed out and OOF. It started out great but if you're going to put the time and money into a promo, do it right.

This was a weekly occurrence on Bering Sea Gold.

I see this everyday when I take my 2 y/o beagle outside of my apartment. Indians...everywhere here. Grown fucking men standing like a deer in headlights, shaking in fear. Its like that with every dog they encounter. It's fucking pathetic. They will stop with their kids 100 feet away and talk the longest distance

Kill it! Kill it with fire! ....oh wait.


Now playing

Where I have seen a flip like that before?


Haha that's the first thing I thought. Durp.

Yes it does in fact.

Salsa Snack. Mother of god.

Drag racing accidents would sky rocket. Dumb Americans can't have nice things like this. They would abuse it.

You obviously know nothing about editing styles and the average viewers attention span. If it was a single edit of that car going round and round for a minute, I'd stop it after 10-15 seconds. A vast majority of others would as well.

Also, why did the tow truck turn green and the drivers orange vest when he cropped in then back to orange when he cut back out? I have never seen that before.

JTK approves.

Congratulations. You just wasted x amount of time chatting with a bot. Fail.