
Haha! God I hope you're trolling. There is ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, difference between the $1 cable from amazon or the $650 one from Monster. The ONLY time you can tell is when feeding the signal through some software. Even then it's a numbers game, not a picture game. Those poor poor people you rip off.

Yes, that is the way things work. As objects get older, the price drops. However, we're talking about a service that doesn't drop in value over time. That service, being able to play games online, doesn't depreciate. The game itself might be old, but the online service is not. It's maintained around the clock for X

Mustang, like a BOSS!

Um, because they aren't paying full price? Let me buy this game for $30 a few months after release and get the same service as the guy paying $60. Yeah I don't think so. Use to be that way, times change. Get over it.

....what? They're not taking your copy from you. You own the disc, that's it. You don't own the online service, the servers, or anything else that is NOT on that disc.

Haha, well said. I was on my way to posting something similar.

whole lot more impressive than that la noire crap. This is far better.

Holy crap. NYC has never looked so good. I hope there is more to that than the scripted driving.

Also in the transformers trilogy.

Hmm. How about this? You watch the clip again and pay attention. We are not talking about a car going under the other and lifting it. It's a damn truck that hits the rear quarter panel, yet the car flips. I have been in a similar accident at 45 mph, hitting a 2500 dually running a red light in the rear quarter panel.

Typical assumption without further explanation on the matter. Just proves my point that it's all more bullshit. Also, if you actually believe that what you see happen in the clip is correct, you need to snap out if it. Considering they are altering the actual physics of the crash with a compressed air ram, take that

So the car gets hit in the rear quarter panel...yet it does a endo. Yeeeeah.

"Battery Aziz!"

Looks just fine to me. Improved over BC2 that's for sure. Can't wait.

all the alien tech was built by weta. No nerf in that movie at all.

Game center in iOS.

I can't agree with you more. The first thought I had when I saw that picture is me putting my fist through his head.

What the shit?! Please someone explain this heresy to me.


Or you can get Pulse. Add as many feeds as you like. See a story you like, hit the star in the lower right corner, saved in the cloud and syncs across all devices. Oh yeah, also, free.