Tired Old Feminist

The commenter is a man.

No. Just acknowledging that black men are *not* “worse” about this.

FWIW, this is not a condition common among black men only. It’s common among all men, every race, every ethnicity, every religion, every skin color, every nationality.

What always gets me is how many commenters - here and on every site - use “b***h” and sometimes “c**t” just casually, and if I call it out, invariably two or three commenters pile on, calling me whichever term I am objecting to. Both men and women do it.

1998: Self-employed; started paying $350/mo. for a family of three. Standard “80/20” plan.

Stealing can be wrong and be a crime not punishable by vigilante murder! Why, who’da thunk it.

Exactly. Which means approximately 100% of cops are “like this.”

It was in the “factual” example given above. Remember?

My kids’ in-state COA at any public university here would range from $86-120k if tuition did not increase at all over four years. You really don’t know what you’re talking about.

EXACLTLY. Where does your average child of undocmented parents get this practical advice, for example?

Run an amortization table on how quickly you could pay off $1m debt at 6.3% interest.

Ask some real college graduates today how fabulous their opportunities are.

Not to mention, where are all these supposed fabulous “engineering” jobs? Do they come with pensions? Fully-funded health insurance?

I think perhaps we are violently agreeing. One of my sons did 2 years at community college, paying half the tuition on his own. He lives with us and will attend a state school (probably not a good school enough in your eyes, but - oh, well).

You have no idea of the reality. This is not simply a matter of lazy young people not wanting to work hard. Good God.

Your comments are insufferably elitist. Good God, you’re making an awful lot of assumptions. You believe that if college students just choose the right major and somehow magically find the $50k in-state, live at home for four years) to $100k (in-state, live on campus for four years), they will get fantastic jobs that

“Most” state schools’ COA is somewhere between $22-27k per year. If you’re lucky enough to live near one, you can go for around $12k tuition, fees, and books. If not, you’re on the hook for room and board (which cost more than tuition). When’s the last time YOU struggled to pay for college? Because your numbers are

I disagree that coming out of college owing $20k is in any way readonable. Your views are very elitist.

That is great! My parents have always been very left-leaning, but I’ve heard of many folks my parents’ age who also were, but have been brainwashed by Faux Noise. Glad your father is NOT one of them.

I have two kids in college. I do not consider the ability to go into debt via Stafford Loans for anywhere from $5,500 to $25,000 to be “financial aid.”