
this isn’t really a supercar-supercar.

Much language, very english. Wow.

Ferrari is pretty chuffed

Isn’t Tesla suffering from a similar reason SawStop had such a hard time coming out? That people would end up losing fingers still because they relied too heavily on the system, and would blame the manufacturer instead of being responsible and safe like they should be?

Cab reminds me of

Oh yeah...Russia. Sometimes I think it would be fun to mix the wild west with modern life, and then I remember that already exists and the video footage is scary as hell.

I bet they stripped that wrap off the car INSTANTLY.

I love everything about this story.

I'm dying laughing at my office right now, because Gordon Fucking Ramsey is getting a LaFerrari Spider and this guy isn't Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!

For anyone saying this is a “victimless” crime let me as you something. Is drunk driving a “victimless” crime if no one is hurt? hell if that guy drives drunk once and is fine, what stopping him from doing it a second or third time. Same thing applies here. It is just a matter of time until this guy would have killed

It is a victimless crime...just like punching someone in the dark!

No helmet, tank, shorts, portrait mode. God damn. We got a winner

Exactly this. Will someone buy it? Yes, I’m sure someone will. Will they be sorely disappointed down the road when they see another for sale for 8k less? Yes, yes the will. It’s a CP for me.

Fish tacos?

One small problem with that. I has to be running first, and able to go fast enough to actually get wrapped around a tree second. I was around when these things were new, right along with the first generation Hyundai Excel. If you want a Yugo that is worth something. Look for a Cabrio. They are sick rare and actually

I thought I was the only one. Brother!

oh goddamnit.. just because i suggested it in stefs article doesnt mean you should do it...

Forget 50 cent. Top Gear with Xzibit would be hilarious!

Seems like as a kid, I remember (or imagine) the Supra as basically a package on the Celica. Like I swear they called it the Celica Supra at first. Am I Crazy?