
“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”

Great GIF!

The idea of a 100,400 mile overly complicated 25 year old V12 BMW makes me want to run, run far away.

Satellite bandwidth and availability is an issue, especially for the high data density you want for a crash analysis. 10,000 aircraft all sending every little detail all the time is a lot of data. But the other factor is survivability. If there is an explosion in the plane, it will disrupt the power and antennas

The difference is that the P85D never makes the advertised 691 HP at any point. It’s peak draw from the battery is about 415 KW, or about 556 HP.

That was the least scientific / informative video I’ve veer seen. This Mark Hopus look-alike goes about opening the box like a teenager, and provides no real insight. He spits out some real technical jargon like: “Let’s get this green goo out of there”, and “hard hard putty clay type stuff”. His tiny hype man only

When I was 14 my father and I bought a barn full of Austin America parts and hauled them home. “There’s your car, go build it...” I did, and it turned into a career in Engineering.

You should. And report back.

No, THIS is terrifying madness:


Is that a Skoda??

An udder disgrace.

He may have been able to ride it out if he was off the brakes, but that is asking a lot in a panic situation. He also went the exact wrong way to dodge the obstacle. Following too close + target fixation did him in.

There absolutely should be criminal negligence charges for dropping your load like this. it is NOT and accident that it happened.

That’s what she said!

Ugh. This happened near where I live and ride and the scary thing is that I could totally see this happening to me. I like to think that my reactions would be a little quicker and more decisive than this rider’s were (I’ve been riding for 6 years now), but realistically there’s a good chance that I’d be daydreaming

“Look at these TIE Fighter and X-Wing cars!”

Now that’s what I’m talking about

That tiny jeep thing?