Yet they kill the IDX... please... we have all heard this song before.
Yet they kill the IDX... please... we have all heard this song before.
They don’t cut off the engine once the key is out of range, they just prevent the car from being restarted when it’s shut off. It makes sense really, you don’t want to have a serious crash because your keys battery died on the freeway, or your 4yr old somehow managed to throw your keys out the window while you were…
A modest lift, some offroad wheels/tyres and a full camo wrap/paint job and you have a perfect bugout vehicle. Add small trailer for a motorcycle and a few essencials if you want the complete package. The price is outrageous but think of all the (insert genitalia of your preference) you’d be pulling when Burning Man…
It’s like if Ford came out with something faster on the drag strip, Dodge turning around and claiming 1/4 mile times are irrelevant in a road car.
They were plenty happy to milk their ring lap times(marketing wise) when it suited them. Now that they are getting their asses whooped, all of a sudden lap timed don’t matter? please...
Taste is “to each his own”, but 32k for a non M3 E46 is ridiculous. I would much rather have a proper M3 that will probably apreciate in value or at least keep it’s current value. CP.
You don’t even have to leave google to get a laugh, this was in the preview “
SUV’s seem to me like the low hanging fruit of the EV world, lots of space to squeeze batteries and everyone already expects them to be heavy. I’m surprised there aren’t more automakers exploiting this.
For that kind of money i’d get a fleet of Panda 4x4's. CP.
Maybe i’m being naive here, but all i saw was a cool dad having a bit of fun with his daughters. I think everyone knows at that age your parents are gods and if they tell you to do something you just assume they know better. I remember my dad trying to f**k with me by hiding behind the dashboard and messing with the…
Beautiful weekend cruiser with the legendary straight six and a little bit of BMW handling magic sprinkled on top? NP, not a daily driver, but a great future classic you can put 10-15k miles on and sell at a profit in 5 years time.
Came here to post this, you beat me to it. This should surprise no one.
Of course insurance companies will just turn around and say the disparity is based on the number(and value) of claims from said ZIP code. If that’s coincidental with racial distribution patterns it’s not their problem. Same argument they use when people complain that women pay a lower premium than men for the same…
The serious buyer won’t mind paying for a day’s insurance(he is probably paying to have the car inspected), i don’t see the problem.
Regarding racing, grid girls are clearly (and rightly) going the way of the dodo, car show “babes” are next i think. Just like video games and that early 2000's “booth babe” craze at E3, once it reached “peak smut” it became a PR problem and was quickly regulated out of the event.
He’s a character, my wife says “eyes of an angel, mind of a devil”...
Yep, sounds about right...
Lord Piruças is already waiting in the mailbox for his.
Jesus christ man, you are a brave soul.