
I used to work for an insurance company, and at least in my country you are ABSOLUTELY liable if your unsecured cargo causes any damage.

Oh snap! #COTD

My limited experience tells me no, an unexpected impact like that jolts you from head to toe. In the time it takes your brain to figure out what’s going on you are already sliding on your ass down the freeway. In my opinion it really comes down to how much time you have to sort out the situation in your head, and

Is there something wrong with the headrests? they seem way too high up to offer adequate protection.

#COTD nailed it

so boss, good on you for lending a helping hand instead of being a dick.

@Pinkslip @jimthebrit I think that comment was just a slightly misplaced use of sarcasm and hyperbole. At least to me it didn’t “sound” like it was suposed to be taken to the letter. The pitfalls of this incomplete means of comunication we use, amiright?

It boggles my mind that these C3's aren’t priced into the stratosphere yet.

Honda should have called it the CR-W, for wasted opportunity...

Awesome, the more changes they make, the more likely it is i’ll find a used 1st gen at a reasonable price.

Great write-up, and yes, i DO care about the earth cancer that is Philip Morris. I was a bit shocked to read he was on the board, but with no more than 30 seconds of thought put into it, it makes perfect sense.

Not half an hour ago a taxi cab pulled right in front of me(i had the right of way). I was only able to avoid an accident because of that distrust i mentioned earlier coupled with a generous safety distance. Still almost shat my pants.

Such hipocrisy, if they told us they were going to plug the oil wells that keep them rich(you know... for the planet...), now THAT would surprise me.

I paid 1300 for my car and although a 1100$ watch is always a luxury purchase for a luxury consumer, a quality watch can stay with you for decades. I wouldn’t spend that kind of cash on any watch(just not my thing wether i could afford it or not), but as far as quality watches go, it’s not THAT expensive.

Someone should tell youtube that, it seems like every other day i see a new video popping up of someone pulling out a gun during a traffic argument.

Ride like EVERYONE is out to get you, think 10 feet of distance is enough? make it 20. Too much confidence in your traffic kung fu can set you up for a real fucked up day. Oh and most of all DO IT, you will discover a whole new world when it comes to commuting, take it easy, learn at your own pace and you will have a

dickception, mind=blown

Mistakes happen, it’s getting back on your feet after something like this that separates the men from the boys. Ricci will be fine.

Unless they make this way more affordable than the compatition, how is this diferent from the better established, proven reliable Zero?

I’m 33 and that hurt like a motherfucker.