
French, cheap, fun with a small rev-happy engine? I love it, but i’m afrait it will tank sales wise, just like the Peugeot RC-Z did.

I was under the impression that Sweden had the highest per capita number of convertibles. May be a matter of total number Vs relative to the population. Also, Sweden is the only place in Europe you can find your Renault Twingo parked between a Hummer and a V10 Dodge Ram.


IPO? A juicy offer would have investors (looking to get rid of their tanking stock) clawing at each other to sell.


Unless this comes with 10k bucks stuffed under the seat it’s taking a ride to cracktown...

How does it feel versus the chain driven diavel?

Dat inflation though...

I think not one of us can say with 100% certainty the wouldn’t act the same after reading the original post, it’s pretty enfuriating... That being said Musk certainly stooped to Alsop’s level, quickly turning this into a spoiled brat Vs. spoiled brat situation. My simpathy goes out to neither.

You should do an article on the pros, cons and pitfalls of leatherizing your seats/interior. My dad got a crazy good deal on a CPO Mercedes CLK a few years back and we are thinking about freshening up the seats with some new leather.

I think he was talking about borowing one from his dealer’s(where he worked at) inventory.


Glad I’m not the only one to see this, not that my country would do a better job at it...

Thanks for the insight, it’s always good to hear from someone with a more informed pespective.

My great grandfather’s “Vitor Sarrasqueta” 12ga would probably throw it’s hat in that ring...

As of now i’m limited to 125cc’s(car licence) but i plan on getting my motorcycle licence this spring and this enfield is sort of what i’m looking for. A simple, forgiving, underpowered bike that can handle any kind of road without trying to throw me into a ditch at the first chance it gets. I’ll have to look around

Earlier in the race he was close to the lead and he stopped to help a crashed KTM motorcyclist(losing 10:53 minutes that were eventually awarded to him). He stayed with Matthias Walkner untill the EMT’s got there, waving everyone through. As a fellow Portuguese that fills me with pride in a way that no victory could.

Or the Opel Frontera...


I would consider this NP if the paint was OK, but the work that has to go into repainting a vespa... its 100% CP.