
No Klobuchar. No Kamala. No Gillibrand. No Bernie. No Warren. No Biden. No Hillary.  AOC is not eligible to run for President, who the frig do you want, Splinter?!?!

Those paintings are beautiful.

He shouldn’t be the Democratic Party candidate for president.

There was a girl I knew once, freshman year of college. We were at a party but the two of us ended up in the corner talking over some drinks. We talked and talked and just really hit it off. Eventually, it turned flirtatious. Slowly, but perfectly flirtatious. As the party started to wind down, she invited me back to

That’s why there needs to be laws.  The general public health should never be left to the whims of people who willfully ignore evidence.

I thought the modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan was the Ku Klux Klan, mainly because they are.

...antivaxxers would “move out of the state, or go underground, but they will not comply.”

The post mentions that he’s blind. Apparently, someone beat the shit out of him in 2006 and it left him permanently blind. (I wonder why anyone would ever want to beat the shit out of him???) Not that anyone should feel sorry for him, but to clarify that the eyes are not in fact the result of demonic possession. That

Would I date myself?

Honestly, you guys should have just left this one the fuck alone... There’s a reason you work for “Splinter” and not “Gawker.”

I mean, does Paul want to explain why he seems to take exception to Harris giving a statement ahead of the SotU? Shouldn’t he take his own advice and not waste one second worrying about it?

All of the 46 year old white finance guys with Beto2020 in their bios would like to have a word with you. 

women who feel that sanders is tone deaf to their problems?

Black people who felt Sanders was tone deaf to their problems?

I caught the tail end (see what I did there?) of the Puppy Bowl. 

The comment that I saw about the game was that they played like two teams who really didn’t want to visit the White House.

So rude, but like someone said, how the fuck did his label let this happen? Do you think Rihanna or Drake’s people would EVER?