
Let’s pour one out for State Rep. Dr. Betty Price (R-Georgia Suburbs), the wife of former US Rep and former Sec. of HHS Dr. Tom Price*, who asked last year “about the legality of quarantining HIV patients to stop the spread of the virus that causes AIDS.” She lost her seat to a Democratic woman. BYE, BITCH.

But I AM 29. This is super ageist smh.


Voting is THE most important thing today, as anyone with two synapses firing and an unhealthy desire to shame their peers will tell you, and lines are a sign that lots of people are getting out there and voting, dammit.

miss you boo

Idk what we expected when it’s right there in the name

Hell yeah, you should vote. It’s a shame the official GMG “politics” site doesn’t give a shit about fixing problems and would rather bitch and moan instead of reminding people there’s a lot more at stake than white people's fee-fees.

I will be there! I’m so excited!

Scroll down? That’s the advice authors seem to go to when commentors complain about splices.

What at total piece of fucking shit. This is what privilege looks like: not voting because you’re reasonably certain you’ll be unaffected regardless of who wins—everyone else be damned.

Last weekend was my last time as well. Driving people to the polls tomorrow!


Oh I love you.  

You saw that shit too, huh? 

She could always transfer to a college somewheres in Florida to finish her degree, then work for a news blog, and use the fact that she went to a HBCU as a way to lend herself credibility when she inevitably writes a bad take on what a black, former president should do with his free time.

So what’s the point of this article then? To tell us that some Democrats who said they wouldn’t take corporate donations lied and continue to do so..........What a revelation. Next thing there’ll be an article that reveals a lot of men lie about the number of women they claim to have sex with.

Well that clinches it, the Democrats are simply not pure enough to support. Everyone vote 3rd party or stay home on Election Day. That’ll send a strong message to the establishment that they’d better clean up their act and take us seriously, which in turn will lead to nothing but 100% ideological wholesome

This. Exactly. If you don’t want people to hear about Jack Antonoff, stop writing about Jack Antonoff. See Recommended Stories on Jack Antonoff at the bottom of this story on Jack Antonoff.