
I feel you. I’m only disappointed that I guessed wrong. I just knew it had to be Pharrell. lol

No, and I don’t really want to say only because I did end up talking with him and getting his email and uh mama’s trying to get that publishing contract ya heard.

Nobody’s arguing anything different. I’m talking about what she’s trying, and I’m just going on the record as saying I’m not having it.

The Obama’s are better people than me and better people than America deserves.
Melania wants to be Michelle so much. She can steal the Michelle’s words and her food but she’ll never have her class or her marriage.

And because he is such a class act, I’m sure he was asking her how Barron is and making small talk and doing what he could to make her feel comfortable.

Pharrell? I’m guessing Pharrell.

I watched his first fashion show; it looked like Derelicte. (I mean - tbh, I tuned out when he married Kim Kardashian, so. SZA still doesn’t have a Grammy; he could her one of his, maybe.)

No. Fuck Kanye. I’m not interested in giving people passes for dangerous, harmful ideas because they do one thing I like. There’s a fucking line when someone crosses over from being well meaning but misguided to dangerous and as far as I’m concerned Kanye just soft shoed his dumb ass across that line onto dangerous

Exactly. I don’t know what’s up with the #SaveKanye campaign people are running. Kanye is gone. All these people hoping and praying for the old Kanye to come back are going to be dissappointed. 

Not going to lie I was a Kanye stan for long time through all his bullshit but I hit my limit when he tried buddying up to Trump and fully done with him now. When he claimed racism after his first collection I even nodded along even thought that shit was derivative and shallow as fuck. Yeezus was barely 5 years ago.

The thing that bothers me about this movie is that Amy’s character views herself as “fat” and “not fit”, in the trailer during the bikini contest she has a fit stomach, It’s flat and Inthink she may even have a two pack, no she’s not a size 2 but she actually has a very fit body, and viewers are supposed to view her

Kanye and Candance are willing to distance themselves from black people because they have become addicted to the hypnotizing effects of the white gaze.

my mom and I watched this live last night and were SCREAMING. The other Atlanta women (and production with their perfectly timed cuts to footage of Kim lying) completely destroyed Kim’s credibility. Then, to finish it off, the episode ends with Kim saying extremely racist things while simultaneously saying that

Even her football husband had his mouth gaping when she went on her racism rant. The more she talks, the more bigotry she shows people. I’d put good money down on her dropping the worst of the worst slurs on the regular.

If you can get a white person to understand what coded language is, hats off to you. Even the most well-meaning liberal white person says problematic shit and they fall back on “Well, you know that’s not what I meant!” and then you get to hear about poor little white person and how nobody understands them and blah

Watching her meltdown was amazing. So was watching the other women saying out loud and to her damn face they don’t know why Kim gets a show of her own. WHO WATCHES IT?! Hopefully the negative backlash from this will get her ass canned for good.

Sheesh, her face. Smh

Kim went off to her dressing room

I couldn’t possibly do it. We are a house of two, with a 26 cubic foot French door that required dismantling of our kitchen door to move in. It’s always packed to the brim. We have a stand - up freezer in the basement, too. I was trying to gently prod the wife into drinking one of her juices or sodas tonight, because