
Yessssssss..... Let the hate flow through you..!

I’m getting more pushback from this than from my comments on steak fries. I’m honestly shocked and delighted.

Too damn long for me! Listen, you fools don’t have to come to my house for my faux-ffles. Just means more for me.

I didn’t know it was gonna be a thing, but I am now eagerly anticipating the fallout from this debate.

I listened to it the other day while taking a shit.

You are not gonna trick me into listening to that trash ass cover.

Amen to that!

YOU GTFO here with YOUR weak ass kitchen game. Unyeasted waffles? What’s even the point?

As usual, count me in your motherfucking number.

Minus the oil, eggs and milk, Bisquik is already all those things mixed together. I’m no stranger to being in a kitchen or doing things the traditional way but sometimes you just want a fucking waffle in the shortest amount of time possible. Plus, with Bisquik on hand, you’re also a third of the way toward

Your waffle game > Nico’s busted shortcut-taking waffle ass

Get out of here with your fancy ass waffle technique, this is offbrand-Bisquik country motherfucker!

Oh, there is a cigarette comment on the original thread: “No one is going to drop dead inhaling second hand smoke but a child could die because your kid smeared peanut butter on playground equipment.”

#teamVulgar all the way!

I just said the same thing! A pancake is nothing but a less evolved waffle that would die in the wild.

He should have been fired. Waffles are clearly superior.

Mike? I thought your name was Matt!

nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

So...about dinner tonight...

Wait, why are you casting her as the person who did something wrong? If he had wanted to go dutch, he could have said so at the time. He clearly didn’t, since he paid the bill and texted her after the date expecting to see her again. His reaction is unreasonable, immature, and sinister.