
The only way I could stop scream-laughing at that picture was when it eventually killed me.

I sincerely hope those protesting do not forget to vote seven months from now. Protests are good for TV and back and forths between pundits on cable news shows, but voting is where changes get made.

how am I just now seeing this back-to-back gloriousness

Bernie will never admit racism has anything to do with the way white people vote. Remember that mess about Trump voters aren’t racist but feel abandoned by mainstream politicians.

Thanks for this! I assume I’m still a long way from getting married (at this point I’m just aiming for “meet someone I want a second date with”. But, I’d always had the “well, guess I’ve got to get married to get a KitchenAid mixer”. Then, my dad found me a pretty much brand new Pro for $100 at a pawn shop. I’ve never

Yup. This is a thing that happens. Regularly. Occasionally the cowboy boots are Doc Martens.

Iskipped to the bottom you racist

Michael- your takedowns of these mayosapiens absolutely tickles me. If you didn’t already know, you are a day-maker!

My thing with Nick Garzoni is he doesn’t put a space after his periods but always puts a space before and after his exclamation points.

I’m enjoying how Nick’s twitter has literally no-one actually liking or retweeting his stuff and yet he’s oblivious to this as though the whole world is waiting to see what edgy post about Obama he makes next.

Feeling this! They have a top-of-the-range model that’s a rice-specialised induction pressure cooker. I had a mouthful from a cooking demonstration when it first came out and it’s the only thing on earth that makes rice better than a standard Zojirushi. Unfortunately, it costs about the same as a

Yeah, I finally bought one last Christmas. I inadvertently bought one that was larger than I expected. But, hey, that gives us plenty of leftover rice for fried rice, which I usually make on Sundays as I clean out the leftover produce and proteins in the fridge.

We’re gonna need a much-much larger library. I got tickets and I’m in line.

And I like how upfront Michelle is about not wanting to be President. She knows being President is a shitty job. And honestly, we don’t deserve her as President. I wouldn’t wish the Presidency on her.

This a million times. I’m not Asian but, if I’m cooking where I’m going, my Zojirushi’s coming with me. And it’s not just for perfect white rice: I use it to make about 50 different things from congee to oatmeal. Definitely start with a cheap cooker if you’re not sure you’re going to use it much. When you reach the

Don’t just rinse it, *scrub* it. Learned this from Victor Sen Yung’s old cookbook. Wet it down, scrub the kernels against each other with your hand or a wooden spoon. Rinse. Water will come out white. Do it again. Water will come out less white. By the third or fourth time water will come out just slightly white. Rice

It wasn’t meant as a joke.

What are you talking about?