
Most right leaning arguments I see on these sites get a decent mix rational argument and trollish responses. I spend a lot of time in Kinja and I’ll tell you it’s just like anywhere else on the net in that regard. The problem is Americans in general have trouble discussing their differences. Gizmodo and the rest of

One of the major problems in these discussions (and I am in no way accusing you of being a part of this) is that it’s always one or the other. Its both. A truly logical person would take that emotion (a thing that all healthy people have) and ask themselves why they feel it and what that means and act accordingly.

See that’s why if I’m playing a flanker and have zarya as my solo tank I adopt a yo yo strategy. I’ll come back into her view every 10 seconds or so for a shiled then launch myself into the fray to build Zaryas energy. Continue to repeat with the help of a competent healer and you have an unstoppable trio of doom. But

Yeah it’s illogical, but if any group of people has a valid reason to distrust a race its black Americans distrusting white Americans. The bad ones kinda screwed the pooch for the rest of us. I don’t like being generalized with the ignorant fuckwits that look like me, but I get it.

It was survival and is actually pack mentality that evolved into tribalism as we progressed. But none of it was based on appearance. Humans are not inclined to fear or hate something that looks different. No tribe was afraid of the white man until the white man destroyed their home. It’s the societal learning that

Maining Zarya can be a pain just because other players sometimes don’t know how to work with her as their tank. I can’t count the number of times someone goes running into a battle around a corner without allowing me to shield them. I switch skins on most characters (I hate like 99% of the Zarya skins so I never

Well racism doesn’t necessarily equal hate. (Although it often does) Just that the color of skin determines the person. So although it’s not hate you re teaching, you are generalizing white people. It’s like saying all black people like fried chicken and watermelon. Now are you wrong to prepare them for the inevitable

Yeeeeeeeeaaaaah no. That’s been disproved. I have never in my life seen a difference in people based on color of skin. I’m white and my earliest friends were Iraqi and Mexican and I fully enjoyed the time I spent with their families learning new cultures. Children are taught racism. Tribalism in this day applies more

I have been using Zaryas weight lifter skin exclusively for the last year

I can’t believe they are bringing Saint Seiya back. I haven’t watched at show in years. I’m also excited to see how they do Baki, I love the manga and really hope they do well enough for it to keep going until Baki fights the frozen man from the time of dinosaurs. (That’s right it goes that far)

But I just wanted to....

Obviously you don’t understand racism in the US if you think this has to be motivated at all. I’ve seen people do this shit just because someone didn’t speak fluent English. Especially in the LA area.

Again the difference is country. This country is supposed to take in the tired and hungry. I get you think laws are there to make us civilized or whatever, but more often than not they are a form of control placed by the powerful on the powerless. You and your fancy “expensive visa” can stick to the UK but I know what

No one knows what confederate is going to focus on and slavery obviously won’t be the only focal point. (although it’s going to be a large part of this) but the confederate flag has been adopted by racist groups such as the KKK. Although it originally was a symbol of rebellion for states rights that just happened to

I’ve heard great things and I’m aware of that stupid law. I just generally can’t spend a lot of time in a show like that. Super heavy and I’ll end up feeling bad for all shitty things shitty men do in the world. I may suck it up and give it a watch though.

I can see a small piece of what you’re saying here however this isn’t the UK this is the US. A place built by immigrants for immigrants with a giant statue saying welcome immigrants. Specifically immigrants fleeing a dangerous or oppressive situation ie Mexico. Add that to the fact that obtaining a Visa here is

This exactly. I haven’t seen either Man in the High Castle or Handmaids Tale because I’m not much for alt history that doesn’t move into the fantastic. (Nazis using resurrected dinosaurs to fight WWII for example) but neither of them focus around the victory of an ideal that is still being worshiped by a significant

Its bad story telling. Widow dying means almost nothing besides showing that yep Cap is still evil. Its purely for shock value which everything since civil war 2 started has been about at the cost of character. Not to mention, Widow knows she can’t beat Cap hand to hand so why would she jump in the middle of Cap and

Waaah waaah waaaah. Guess what I didn’t vote for 2 reasons. 1) I love in Washington state, so I knew who was getting this vote. 2) I didn’t want to choose between two piles of shit I am forced to pick between. Neither was good and I blame the DNC for screwing the pooch by backing the wrong horse. The system is broken
