
Nice. In all seriousness, the sets were the only remotely comparable element, as the RNC stage was filled wit two-bit nobodies and very little actual content.

That image is fucking horrifying

It does mean that if you measure your own abundance by others’ lack. For many people, it is important that they have things that are exclusive. Because they are petty.

I like to point out that I actually took a class in uni on postmodern masculinity and representation. The types of guys who whine about this kind of shit are disappointed to hear that- they don’t want to take the class, they want to feel righteously aggrieved.

There is almost a panic that sets in when white males are not at the center of concern or conversation. Weirdly, its not always white men who express this knee-jerk panic.

Misogyny is so ingrained in our society that some of us forget what fairness actually looks like.

Right up there with; “when is the straight pride parade?”

This would’ve been an excellent opportunity to say, you know, “Whether you’re a boy or you’re a girl, both of you, my job will be to make sure it’s equally an option for both of you.