
I can only speak for myself, but as someone who has pared down their streaming options (now just Netflix and HBO) to save money, if this Disney service has half of what they are promising at launch, I am likely to drop one of those for it (and it probably would be Netflix).

Cecilia is one of your best writers on this site (and I think that is saying a lot), and everyone is entitled to enjoy a show or not...but she is 100% wrong here. Kayla is my new favorite fantasy hero.

I have no doubt in my mind that this cop is as racist as any of them. Having said that, these photos are a stretch. There is plenty of real evidence of actual racism (exhibit 1: a dead man shot in his own home). This takes away from the important story and frankly gives ammunition to those who would say that this cop

I used to poop once a day. I also was a lot bigger. Once I started counting calories (not dieting so much as not eating way more than I should), I began to poop less, now maybe every 2-3 days. So maybe eat less, poop less? Crazy, I know.

I remember reading through FF for the first time a few years ago and coming across this panel in FF #10. I could not stop laughing, but I know this was serious when it was printed:

As evident on Pokemon Matome, fans have been trying to figure out whether or not this Larvitar is real.”

He’s had a great career but my favorite is his cameo in Amazon Women from the Moon

I was a civilian working on a NATO base analyzing development programs where I had the most incompetent boss ever. I could mention the time he managed to miss a visit from the head program manager in the country because he went to a party in a different province the night before, or the time he got lost in a two-car

Just wanted to post that I love your writing (the parenting advice is helpful too). I cannot add more.

What kind of vodka did you use? Do I have to use top-shelf stuff or would Smirnoff produce the same thing? 

There is a LOT of wasted potential in this movie. Watching the clips, I am forced to admit this could have been better with a more focused direction (or a really good editor). I just remember it starting off SO. SLOWLY. By the time the Hulk showed up, it was hard to care.

Not too much of a secret. Exactly as you guessed, you put in place of butter. The same amount should work. Just go by weight as opposed to volume and you’ll be okay. Also you have to melt the coconut oil. Not too much, just enough for it to be evenly mixed. Enjoy!

For me the biggest trick is to go in with the right attitude. I have a busy life with kids and work and a long flight is the perfect time to focus on myself. You undoubtedly have a chance to catch up on the movies and books you never seem to have time for. The only problem is that often these flights are too short to

It is the secret to killer banana bread (so, so moist). So even if it gives me cancer (probably not) or Type II diabetes (almost certainly) I probably won’t give it up.

First of all, free trade doesn’t actually exist - not really. Free trade would mean anyone could buy and sell anything from any country without duty or tariff. Most economists would also say that for free trade to be genuine that things like government incentives or subsidies would also have to be eliminated (e.g.

Maybe this is just me, but when Papa John’s came out in my area, I thought it was good. Not compared to a good neighborhood joint, mind you, but better than the Domino’s and Little Caeser’s of the world. Now? I recently have gone back to Domino’s and their pizza is, in fact, better. Especially if you order the

Final Fantasy 2 (or 4, whatever) is a good game.

For me it was that article Michelle linked to. I read it when it came out and it was powerful. None of the parents in that story thought it could happen to them and many were these uber-organized types that never forget anything. Do I really think it could happen to me? Not in a million years. But reading about the

For me, it is my briefcase. I always put it in the backseat, even if the kids aren’t going with me, to make sure I am in the habit. I won’t forget my computer (in my briefcase) and have to get the bag every time.

I don’t know why but this is what I thought of (maybe it was the reminder that, I too, needed scotch). We will miss you!