
I’m... confused about what the angle is here. I think it’s totally understandable that she would feel a little knock to her self-esteem after finding out that an ex is gay, and I think wanting to score a hot rebound to feel sexually desirable again is within the bounds of normal behavior so... I guess I’m failing to

I thought Taylor worked at Bennigans for a second. Stuff on the wall. The Skype options on the bottom looked like buttons servers had to wear.

A part of me would want the people in my life to move on and continue living the best quality of their life after I’m gone.

I read things like this and it makes me ponder the whole concept of love. Like it is a complete mystery to me that we spend our lives seeking out these attachments clinging to the hope that they aren’t ripped away from us in a senseless tragedy. I love Chalupa Batman so much and I get into these sad cycles sometimes

I don’t know about most women being married to manchildren, though there are probably a lot of women who write to advice columns who are.

I bet he’s a manager at an Applebee’s and usually works the closing shifts and they close at midnight and the girl he’s with is a pretty young server and they flirt all the time and so when they get out around 1 a.m. they use Pokemon Go as an excuse to hang around and goof off and then he doesn’t have to go into work

You dress up your hot coworker as Professor Willow and record your sex tape on your husband’s computer. File: Save as.... Pokemon go hacks.

Ok she shot at cops and used her son as a human sheild...fuck this shit

This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.

Preteen me would be dead over that acrylic gemstone lamp in Khloe’s house.

“I am innocent,” Davila said at the press conference. “All these false allegations have taken me completely by surprise. I have faced many challenges in my life, but nothing like this. I am honest, hardworking, who was raised in ideals and principals. I am putting all my faith in my attorney and the justice system to

Holy... it’s like a wangster Cruella DeVille. Complete with talon hands.

How does a catsuit on a fit 1819-year-old manage to be so unflattering? This is a crime against fashion!

I honestly don’t understand what that is.

Maybe she opened a store just so she’d have somewhere to poop.

In Britney’s defense, it’s hard to remember faces as distinctly unique as Taylor's

They need their hands to strategically show off whatever purse/tooth kit/poop tea they’ve been paid to promote.

“Second-hand benevolent white woman’s burden-style racism” were your exact words? You don’t have to use the word racist to call someone a racist, but it’s only one letter off and it’s kinda hard to read that sentence any other way